European Tourism Quality Association
European Tourism Quality Association ETQA is a non-profit association which aims at disseminating the culture of the quality of tourist services in terms of hospitality, catering and activities to businesses and consumers. To achieve this main goal ETQA actions are also focusing on sustainable development, accessibility and innovation, in line with European tourism policy framework, in particular with the Commission communication no. 352 of 2010 and in the European new Green Deal beyond 2021.
Foster all over Europe the quality in tourism services through course and promotional activities of European Companies certified with local/national labels.
EU policy framework

Commission Communication - COM (2010) 352 final'Europe, the world's No 1 tourist destination - a new political framework for tourism in Europe
The sector's competitiveness is closely linked to its sustainability, as the quality of tourist destinations is strongly influenced by their natural and cultural environment and their integration into a local community. The sustainability of tourism covers a number of aspects: the responsible use of natural resources, taking account of the environmental impact of activities (production of waste, pressure on water, land and biodiversity, etc.), the use of 'clean' energy, protection of the heritage and preservation of the natural and cultural integrity of destinations, the quality and sustainability of jobs created, local economic fallout or customer care.
Competitiveness European Council Conclusion = 21, 22 February 2014
Commission proposal for a set of European Principles for tourism quality, as follows :
- Voluntary
- Respect of subsidiarity and proportionality principles
- Clarity
- Credibility
- Comparability
[Action 13] ‘Develop a European 'Qualité Tourisme' brand, based on existing national experience, to increase consumer security and confidence in tourism products and reward rigorous efforts by tourism professionals whose aim is quality of tourism service for customer satisfaction
Sustainability and circular economy
Sustainability should become a European brand. It means more than conservation of the environment and natural resources. The private sector, in particular SMEs, can improve risk management, increase their production efficiencies, promote product differentiation and reduce leakage, by implementing responsible actions, on daily basis.
The tourist businesses (hospitality, travel and transport, food products, catering) already certified with quality labels (type 1, delivered by a third parties) can play a major rôle in consumer behavior changes, towards a more sustainable green and climate friendly economy.
Implementing the UN 2030 Agenda for sustainable development Goals (SDGs), focusing on
- Goal 12 - Target 12.7 ’By 2030, substantially reduce waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse’.
- Goal 15 - Target 15.4 ‘Sustainable tourism can play a major role, owing to its efforts towards the reduction of waste and consumption and its awareness raising activities’
Since 2016 there is a common EU methodology to measure food waste and define relevant indicators, through the EU platform on food losses and food waste, bringing together Member States and all actors in the food value chain (Circular Economy Action Plan - COM (2015) 614 final)