European Tourism Quality Association

to connect and promote quality certified tourist SMEs and
qualified companies in the tourism value chain, across Europe and worldwide

ETQA Cerification
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The certification application form is available on the page

Register new Member ETQA - Click here

Benefits for the associated member

  • Getting an aggregated huge visibility at European level and worldwide
  • Promoting certified companies by social networks and multimedia channels, traditional media, storytelling, interviews, testimonials of excellences (CEO entrepreneurs), editorial activities.
  • Disseminating tourism products and services, including the possible organization of tour/visiting
  • Accreditation towards the EU institutions (European Commission, European Parliament, Committee of the Regions, Social and Economy Committee), other EU organizations and networks.


How to become ETQA member

ETQA will identify activities with eligibility requirements for the award of "ETQA Certified Company" following local reports, reviews and market surveys. and will promote the issue of a confidential Anti-counterfeiting ID to companies.

The company must fill in the information form of its activity in order to submit it to the Committee for the awarding of the "ETQA certified company" certificate.

After the verification of the information submitted, and in the event of a positive opinion by the Committee, ETQA will award the qualification of "ETQA Certified Company" with subsequent registration to the ETQA Register.
The Certificate confirming that your Company is rated "ETQA Certified" for the current year;

The following awards will be made available to the company for public display:

The Certificate certifying that your company is classified "ETQA certified" for the current year;

The Window Sticker (decal), bearing the ETQA Logo and the assigned anti-counterfeiting ID.

In fact, it will be enough to scan the QrCode imprinted on the decal to get the link of the page confirming the quality and services offered by the Structure.

In fact, a web page inserted in the portal will be dedicated to the Activity, offering the possibility to display the services and products offering the opportunity to display in an important international showcase the services and products offered with images, videos and documentation.


Click here to view a DEMO



Filling in the form DOES NOT ENSURE the signing of any contract or commitment , it only expresses a manifestation of interest in the Certification. If the eligibility requirements are confirmed, we will take care to contact you as soon as possible.


Project objectives
- create a widespread international network that promotes quality and excellence events to homogeneous quality standards;
- promote and enhance the quality and food and wine supply of facilities in Europe;
- safeguard and protect the image of Certified companies from the risk of counterfeiting.


Evaluating requirements
It takes place through interviews, inspections at the different areas of the structure, self-certification.
For the different types of activities there are certain requirements that, if not met, can lead to the non-granting, suspension or withdrawal of the "ETQA certified company" trademark.


The Certificate
The Certificate is issued to activities that have successfully passed the assessment and certifies the quality of the services offered, the products sold and the facilities.

Info & Contacts - Click here

The certification application form is available on the page

Register new Member ETQA - Click here